Monday, 11 May 2015

EDS Awareness Month

If you would like to donate for the 7 day zebra clothing wear to raise awareness of Ehlers Danlos the link is the donations go direct to EDS UK

This month is Ehlers Danlos Awareness Month and it's to raise awareness of the poorly known condition Ehlers Danlos.

#MyEDSPledge is to let 100 people aware of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. 

Ehlers Danlos is a frustrating condition which causes lots of problems, sadly it's not very well known at all and a lot of people including the medical profession do not know much about it, this can be extremely frustrating for sufferers as you have to explain the condition every single time you see someone. That is why Ehlers Danlos Support UK is doing the awareness month, I personally think it is a brilliant idea. 

So for EDS awareness month I am doing a sponsored 7 day Zebra Clothing Wear. Many of you will ask why the zebra. In the medical community Ehlers Danlos is known as rare. They teach doctors in medical school "When you hear hoof beats, think of horses, not zebras" but sometimes it's not horse hoofs it's zebra hoofs and that means they are looking at a rare condition. That's why the Ehlers Danlos motto is zebra print!